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When Should I See a Doctor for a Cold or Flu?

Although a cold and the flu are different in many aspects, not many people can tell the difference between them. Most of their symptoms are the same, but the flu is a little bit more intense and may necessitate a trip to the doctor. Colds go away by themselves in less than a week while the flu can take significantly longer than that to recede.

Signs you have a cold or the flu

Colds show symptoms such as low-grade fever, a stuffy or a runny nose, sneezing and coughing, congested sinuses, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and watery eyes. Flu will show more intense versions of virtually all those. You may experience severe headaches, a high fever, a stuffy nose, an itchy throat, and nose or dry sensations in the throat, and aches in the muscles and bones.

With plenty of water and rest, the flu can go away without treatment as well. Over-the-counter medications are however still important as they will speed up the recovery process and soothe the symptoms. But does that mean you will not need the attention of a doctor at all for a cold or flu?

When to see a doctor

If your cold or flu elicits any of the following reactions from your body, consider seeing a doctor for further testing and treatment:

  • Frequent vomiting
  • Intense headaches and earaches
  • Coughing up phlegm
  • A high fever that is not responsive to paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • Intense coughing and sneezing

You may also experience unusual symptoms such as stomach pain. The doctor will help you determine whether it is really just the flu you have or there is an underlying medical condition that needs treating.

Contact our Encino doctor today for diagnosis and treatment of your flu. Remember, the earlier you have your cold or flu treated, the quicker it will go away.

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