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What To Expect from your Internist in Encino CA

internist in encino

Your family doctor or internist in Encino, CA is trained in the specialty medical field of internal medicine. This implies that the internist has not only completed medical school and earned a medical degree, but also completed both internship and residency programs in internal medicine. Moreover, qualified internists are certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Services Provided

Our internist in Encino is trained to diagnose and treat illnesses, in addition to providing a range of acute, chronic, and preventative medical care services. Generally, internists are sensitive to the uniqueness of each patient’s complaint, and can adapt their consultations and treatment options appropriately to accommodate individual needs and concerns.

Common services include:

  • Physical Therapy – to help you develop, restore, and maintain optimal function and movement ability to a body that has been weakened by disease, injury, age, or environmental factors.
  • 3D Live Ultrasound Services – as your baby forms in the womb, you can keep visual track of the changes by scheduling pregnancy ultrasound services in Encino, CA.
  • EKG & Heart Monitoring – cardiac monitoring or observation of your heart may help determine the health of your heart and discover heart conditions such as cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms) by monitoring the activity of your heart.
  • Diabetes Control – getting the right diabetes management program in Encino can change your outlook of the chronic disease and your quality of life. With the help of your internist, you can have better control over the different variables that affect your blood sugar levels, improving your quality of life.
  • Abdominal Scan – abdominal scans are important because it is a non-invasive way of diagnosing abdominal pain and examining your kidneys, liver, pancreas, liver, spleen and abdominal aorta for possible problems.

Customized Care for your Family

Internists are committed to providing individualized care for each patient to care for their unique needs. This implies that as a patient you can expect:

  • To be treated respectfully, and with care.
  • To be seen at your scheduled time without unnecessary waiting times.
  • To have anything explained in detail that you do not fully understand.
  • To be comfortable throughout the duration of your appointment.

Please feel free to call our internist in Encino, CA if you have any questions about your health or that of your loved ones.

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